Almost 60% of American households have one pet at least. Among them, dogs are the most popular ones, exceeding over 75 million in sheer number. Dogs need personal space, just like humans, where they can rest, sleep, and have some time playing along. To cater to these needs, a metal building dog kennel is the best choice.
As per the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the dog shelter building must be at least 10 x 10 or 5 x 15 in ft. For larger and more active dogs, this space could be even more.
To get the exact measurement of steel prefabricated kennel buildings, measure the following:
Now, add at least 5 inches to it to get the size. For instance, small dogs such as Chihuahua or Maltese crate can be about 19 ft. long x 12 ft. high., and for large dogs such as Lab or Golden Retriever crate can be about 42 ft. long x 28 ft. high.
Even though dogs love to have a place to rest, keeping them confined for a long time can be detrimental. That said, a kennel itself could never hurt the animal. In fact, metal is anti-fungal, so it resists the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria.
Metal is also dense and non-porous, so it wont allow termites to co-live with your dogs, nor it will absorb moisture from outside. It is safer than wood as it does not emit toxic fumes with time.
Prefab dog kennels can be custom designed to meet your specific requirements. You can decide where to install windows, skylights, doors, and ventilation for fresh air circulation. Whether you are running a small pet care business, a large animal shelter, or need a kennel for your beloved dog, we have custom features that caters to everyone needs.
Most of the parts of metal structures are designed, cut, and drilled in the factory setting. So, assembly is needed only at the construction site. They are fast to install and demand less labor. This saves money and time.
Timber built structure needs chemical treatment for fire proofing and rotting. They over time release these chemicals indoors, which can lead to health issues. But with custom dog kennel buildings, you get assurance of non-toxic steel.
On top of it, steel can be designed to bear the load of seismic activities, high-speed wind, or snow load.
Steel is not a natural home for termites or other pests. Rodents may try to enter the kennel but would find it difficult as they can’t be chew through to enter. Overall, metal animal buildings are safe from pests.
Structural steel is also dense and non-porous so they do not absorb moisture due to changing seasons. Hence, you won’t need frequent repair and replacement.
Steel is 98% recycled and 100% recyclable. Hence, no metal goes into the landfill. Steel can be reused multiple times without losing its structural strength and durability. It doesn’t require deforestation and habitat loss.
Steel is easy to clean and requires little upkeep. To clean the structure, you can use mild detergent, warm water, and a garden hose. If you find a stain, use a soft bristle brush to scrape it off and clean it.
Note: You can insulate the roof to prevent indoor warming due to sunlight. Place the kennel shaded under a tree for cool air and comfort of the dog.
The entire kennel space can be designed with passive ventilation, which will ensure the dog’s comfort. Metal prefab animal shelters do not require a lot of space and can be installed near your home, giving you and your pet easy access to the kennel.
It would be best to create a foundation that is budget-friendly, durable, & easy to clean for you, and comfortable for your dogs. Steel shelters are easy to clean, come with low maintenance, and can bear daily wear and tear. Some durable and comfortable dog kennel foundations are:
The cost of prefabricated kennel buildings starts at $8 and can go up to $35 per square foot, depending on the steel frame and panels’ gauge. We customize your steel kennel as per your dog’s needs and your budget.
Now that you have read how customizable and durable prefab animal shelters are, it is the time to gift your beloved four legged friend a private space of its own. Call (336)-914-1654 for more details and a free quote on building animal shelters today!
Call us now and let one of our metal building consultants help you to design the building of your dreams at an competitive price.
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