11 Reasons Behind Growing Popularity Of Steel Buildings In Texas

11 Reasons Behind Growing Popularity Of Steel Buildings In Texas

Have you noticed how steel buildings are becoming increasingly popular on Texas farms, in the industry, and even in homes with sheds, carports, and garages? They are cost-effective alternatives to traditional construction and fall within budget, with a number of custom features and accessories that can be added to increase their functionality.

Further, the steel structure is a durable and versatile building that is resistant to harsh weather conditions, making it ideal for Texas climate patterns. And the cherry on the cake is that these metal buildings require minimum maintenance, saving owners time and money in the long run.

Building With Steel: 11 Reasons Why This Trend Is Taking Off In Texas

#1. Cost Effectiveness For Locals

Modern construction uses mass-produced prefab design where most cutting, drilling, and shaping work is done in the factory. This lowers the final pricing of the product.

Moreover, you can add accessories like lean-tos and choose a roof style and color of your choice to enhance your look and increase functionality. You can also select between an attached vs. detached garage, depending on yard space and use. Texans can enjoy the benefits of economical metal parking space for their farms & homes.

#2. Quick Construction Timeline

Steel buildings can be erected quickly, within a few days to weeks. Compared to traditional buildings, it usually takes months to install fully. Since most work is done off-site, the construction of a metal structure is quick and requires less labor. Whether you are installing a metal barn or a steel garage, the assembly time can be half that of a traditional building.

#3. Steel Vs. Texan Harsh Weather

Steel-built structures can confront most of the extreme weather conditions that are common in Texas. Wondering how? Here it is…

Violent Storms: Whether it is hail storms, thunderstorms, or winter storms, they can have a large impact on roofing. A certified steel building with a vertical roof, corrugated panels, and 12-gauge framing can bear a lot of load to overcome any major damage. We offer snow load certification of up to 80 pounds per sq. ft. for the safety of your belongings.

High-speed Winds from Tornadoes: Texas is a part of Tornado Alley, which can cause extensive damage to buildings, infrastructure, and landscapes. Certified steel structures are ideal for preventing your livestock barn or steel carport from becoming airborne during strong winds, which come with a wind tolerance of up to 180 mph. Vertical metal roofs allow air to pass through without causing drafts and keeping the structure grounded.

Droughts: With hot & humid summers comes drought, especially in the high plains, central, and Trans Pecos region of Texas. Most water supplies dry up quickly. Here, a steel barn building with an insulator will help maintain the temperature inside, creating a comfortable atmosphere for livestock and ranchers to work.

Extreme Heat: Heat waves have become more dominant in recent years in Texas, especially in the northern plains and central and southern regions of the state. Where timber subjected to heat expands, which can cause warping, swelling, or shrinkage, steel frames and panels will remain unaffected. It will save money on repairs and replacements.

Wildfires: With hot & humid summers come the chances of wildfires. It can be devastating for farmers who have just stored their crops to sell, and it is problematic for ranches with livestock. Metal is a non-combustible material and does not catch fire readily.

You can apply fireproof coating for steel, such as intumescent, vermiculite, etc., to increase fire resistance.

#4. Personalization That You Can Add To A Metal Building

Most metal building dealers offer multiple customization features for Texas residents to create a space that suits their tastes and fulfills their needs. Here are some features that we provide:

  • 12 and 14 gauge steel frame
  • 26 and 29 gauge panels
  • Custom size and height
  • Roofing choice – regular, boxed eave, and vertical
  • Structural trim
  • Color for roof, trim, and side walls
  • Customization of doors and windows
  • Insulation like single bubble, double bubble, and woven R17
  • Wainscot with color choice
  • 100% galvanized steel that is rust-resistant
  • Lean-to for additional open, shaded space

Note: We also provide two metal building financing options with affordable monthly installments for our customers in Texas so they can personalize their favorite metal structure without worrying about paying it all in full at once.

#5. Low Maintenance Requirement

If there is one thing that bugs Texas farmers and ranchers, along with residents, it is the high maintenance cost of that gorgeous wooden structure. But worry not; with steel buildings, you can get an aesthetically pleasing design that matches your existing buildings and comes with minimal upkeep.

With steel farm buildings and garages, you don’t have to worry about pest infestation, fire hazards, rusting, molding, and mildew. Metal remains unaffected by external weather, saving money on costly & frequent repairs or replacements.

#6. Energy Efficiency

A steel-built structure can be easily paired with insulation for energy efficiency. You can choose affordable insulations like a reflective insulator, fiberglass, spray foam, or bubble foil to keep the building cooler during the hot Texas summer.

An insulation paired with a proper vent will allow hot air to escape and cool air to come in. This will make the HAVC system work effectively, thereby reducing energy bills. You can also apply for the tax credit by saving 30% or more on energy.

#7. Eco-Friendly Materials

Structural steel used in construction is 100% recyclable and 98% recycled each year in the US. Further, steel can be recycled endlessly without losing its strength and durability. Hence, it does not need to be produced in large quantities, increasing reusability and reducing overall price.

#8. Various Uses Of Metal Building For Texas Residents

What are the potential places & sectors where steel buildings can be used in Texas?

Agricultural: livestock barn, farm parking garage, loafing shed, horse barn, dairy farm, and riding arena.
Residential: carport, garage, outdoor shed, and dwelling unit.
Industrial: manufacturing unit, warehouses, distribution center, and assembling lines.
Commercial: retail shop, showroom, workshop, aircraft hangar, event venues, and energy sector for solar & wind energy installation.

#9. Longevity & Durability

Steel neither rots nor decays with time. It is resistant to most weather conditions and lasts long with little care. You can expect to clean a steel carport twice a year. Metal is also anti-fungal, making mold and mildew hard to grow. They last for decades without needing re-coating or re-painting.

#10. Local Availability

Texas is closer to states with most steel building dealers and manufacturers, making it easy to negotiate prices and get favorable deals. The shipping cost also gets lower, and you can choose from many customization options.

Most steel-built structures are manufactured in America, so their prices are lower than those of imported ones. To get the best deal for your metal carport or garage, call us today at (336)-914-1654.

#11. Resale Value

Though resale value can vary with the condition of the building, location, size, and upkeep, steel structures generally retain their value with time as they are durable and low-maintenance buildings. Depending on the circumstances, you can sell it for more than you paid for it in high-demand locations.

Crafting Quality Steel Buildings For Texas

You can customize a steel structure to fit your needs, land availability, and budget. Whether you want to set up a farm barn, a factory unit, or a residential garage, a metal building can accommodate it all. Steel buildings have been taking off in recent years due to rising trends of sustainable practices, innovative designs, and safety. If you, too, want to join the new trend, call Carports Advisor at (336)-914-1654 for a free quote on your choice of metal building.

Call us now and let one of our metal building consultants help you to design the building of your dreams at an competitive price.

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